Cyberspace and Government


In this alternate world we can create a new existence, a different realisation of reality. Cyberspace is built upon the Internet, making it part of the most successful anarchy that has ever existed. The knowledge that cyberspace rests on an anarchy raises questions about how governments are to act when navigating through this alternate world. What freedoms should they have on the Internet, if any?

Real space is governed by two sets of laws. The laws of nature and the laws of man. It is the man made laws which are of particular relevance to governments as they are often designed in order to lay out (or restrict) their powers, as well as control citizens through punishment (ouch!).

Cyberspace is different. It is governed only by the laws of code. So long as it can be coded, it can be done. Each individual has the freedom to write codes however they like them to be. There is no natural law telling them it does not make sense. There is no man-made law deterring delinquents with real world consequences.

Cyberspace crosses into the real space through the interactions and networks of its citizens. Although the cyber world is be embedded on the internet, the connections are very real. It could be said that because these connections remain the laws that determine how a government is to act should also remain. However, throw in the fact that the internet is built on anarchy and you start to wonder whether the government should have the same freedom experienced by all others interacting in cyberspace and on the wider internet.

So, should a government be able to ban and punish online activity that go against their real space laws? Should they be able to use a worm to monitor the online activities of its citizens?And should they be able to physically lock up online predators?

At the moment, I think they should.

But why do I think this? Because even though there are anarchic freedoms that come with cyberspace, our connections within the real world link us back up to our governments making us need to be accountable for our actions online as they have real space consequences.